Pet dog begs for food from locals eating their dinner
Manila, Philippines #Heartwarming
Father receives surprise visit from brother for his 60th birthday
Phang-nga Province, Thailand #Heartwarming
Father receives surprise visit from brother for his 60th birthday
Phang-nga Province, Thailand #Heartwarming
Father dances with daughter at school show when her partner does not show up
Negros Occidental, Philippines #Heartwarming
Youngster born without arms shows how he writes with foot
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) #Heartwarming
Residents rescue boy from 12ft deep well in China
Shandong, China #Heartwarming
Drowning stray dog rescued from pond
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand #Heartwarming
Gardeners throw net to pet dog to make epic escape from frozen lake
Qingdao, Shandong #Heartwarming