Frequently Asked Questions

General Inquiries

ViralPress is a video licensing agency. We acquire videos from members of the public or freelance videographers and photographers to distribute them to media organisations. The footage is also packaged with a text description including facts or supporting photographs to give it the best earning potential.

ViralPress publishes the video on the website. At the same time, tech wizardry delivers the video to the news desks of the biggest publishers, broadcasters and news agencies in the world. If the video is published, the media company pays a fee. This fee is then paid to you, the filmer, following a 50% split with the agency.

You can! But it’s often pretty difficult to get a reply from multinational media corporations. If an individual wants to get paid, it’s near impossible. We have existing relationships in place with thousands of media companies that allow us to obtain the best fee for your video and ensure that payment is made.

We’re accessible, easy to contact and give the most attention to your video.
There are no other video licensing agencies that have the attention to editorial detail and accuracy that ViralPress has. That’s a fact. Some video agencies simply publish the video without any text. Or those that add details don’t have the same editorial experience gained over decades in the industry that our staff do. Your video is special to you, so we give it the attention it deserves. Check out this page to see what we mean.

Yes, we do. We work with stand-alone photographs that capture a great moment to tell a story. Plus, photographs can be included with your viral video to support the story. It also adds earning potential as you also get paid if the photographs are used.
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