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Philippine health workers decry unpaid benefits and low wages amid Covid-19 crisis

Nurses and doctors from the National Kidney Transplant Institute (NKTI) in Quezon City protested in front of their building on August 30, holding up placards calling for the ouster of Health Secretary Francisco Duque who currently faces accusations of corruption amid the health crisis.
2021-09-02 15:33:28

Escaped ostrich causes chaos on roads in Thailand

The 6.5ft-tall bird weighing more than 10kg escaped from a farm and strolled on a busy road in Chonburi province on September 1.
2021-09-02 15:16:20

Mouse gnaws through bedroom door until morning

The defiant rodent started tearing thin sheets from the door late at night waking the house owner up in Songkhla province, southern Thailand on August 30.
2021-09-02 15:00:32

Puppy rescued after being dumped in rubbish bin and left to die

The two-month-old pooch was abandoned inside the public bin by a rider and a pillion passenger in Chonburi province on August 23.
2021-09-02 14:52:23

Thai police raid birthday party breaking Covid-19 rules in Pattaya

Officers gatecrashed the event and arrested 18 party-goers in Chonburi province on August 31 including the 39-year-old celebrant who tested positive for coronavirus last year.
2021-09-02 14:13:29

Three youngsters stuck in overflowing river rescued

The boys were travelling to a waterfall when a muddy flash flood swept them away in Phetchabun province on September 1.
2021-09-02 13:20:49

Truck door left open hits oncoming car

Dashcam owner Jansen Ralph Bonifacio said he was heading to work on August 6 in Maliwalo, Bacolor, Pampanga when the truck's back door flew open and hit his vehicle.
2021-09-01 18:20:00

Car struggles to drive down narrow dirt road in the Philippines

Jc Torres Clemente said he and his friend Erwin went to test the vehicle when they lost their way in Bulacan on August 22.
2021-09-01 18:10:00
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