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Food delivery rider skids motorcycle on wet pavement to park like a pro

The man was making a food delivery at a beauty supply store in Songkhla province on December 1 when he rushed up the pavement and slid parked next to the stair steps expertly.
2021-02-10 03:00:00

Guilty pet dog refuses to look at owner's face after chewing slippers

Pet owner Marinel Lim said that her nine-months old named Eco loves to chew her shoes when they were left outside their door.
2021-02-10 02:00:00

Heavy rain batters northern Thailand after weeks of dry weather

Footage shows the powerful downpours as balls of frozen ice crashed onto roads, reducing visibility for drivers battling through the hail.
2021-02-10 01:03:00

Pet golden retriever struggles to fit inside a smaller basin

Duangjain Chonkhonburi was about to bathe the brown pooch when it decided to sit inside the tub in Bangkok, Thailand on February 7.
2021-02-10 01:00:00

American woman explains why she joined Myanmar protest march against military coup

Onlookers said several people demonstrating against the military coup were knocked to the ground by the force of the jets in the new capital city.
2021-02-10 00:15:32

Snake catcher holds three deady cobra using left hand

Reptile specialist Jarapat Srichantuk recorded the three fierce cobras hissing at him after he caught them at a house in Chonburi, eastern Thailand on September 17.
2021-02-10 00:00:00

Thai shopping mall has extravagant toilets decorated in beautiful oriental theme

The IconSiam centre, one of the largest malls in Asia, built luxury public toilets with stunning colourful designs.
2021-02-09 23:52:31

Thai locals given free 'hammer massages' to relieve stress

The stalls were set up to mark the re-opening on popular tourists destination Khaosan Road in the capital Bangkok.
2021-02-09 23:35:24

Scary moment snake is pulled out of car engine

Pathomawee Aumsri, 32, said that it was driving in front of a building in Roi Et, Thailand when someone outside shouted to alert him to the reptile.
2021-02-09 23:12:33

Pet cat sits on owner's shoulders while riding a bike together

The cute feline accompanied its owner cycling along the road in Zamboanga province, the Philippines on February 6.
2021-02-09 23:00:00

Woman applies makeup on confused 'pageant buffalo' preparing for beauty contest

The two-months-old female buffalo, Karaked, kept shifting its head while its owner put coloured powders on its face in Khon Kaen, Thailand on July 27.
2021-02-09 22:00:00

Fisherman shocked after catching a cobra in his net

Chanidapa Kaewpradab, 35, placed several fish traps along a river in Na Thawi District, Songkhla province.
2021-02-09 18:15:37

Adorable moment disabled dog joins army roll call in Thailand

Footage shows the male pooch, named Jaomee, standing in front of the soldiers during the morning assembly in Ratchaburi province on February 8.
2021-02-09 18:11:56

Ghost bike without rider speeds along road before crashing into house

CCTV footage shows the red Honda Wave scooter passing in front of a repair shop while a confused employee looked on in Chonburi province, Thailand on February 6.
2021-02-09 18:06:05

Heartwarming moment air force officer leaves hospital after beating Covid-19

Footage shows Sergeant Major Farley Duremdez of the Philippine Air Force returning home after three weeks of isolation in Misamis Oriental province, on February 5.
2021-02-09 17:52:41

Enormous 18ft-long python found sleeping on wall next to house after eating THREE cats

Kanitha Teptit, 36, was on the second-floor bedroom looking outside the when she saw something dark moving below in Saraburi province, Thailand on February 7.
2021-02-09 17:15:39

Thai man arrested after making his dogs attack an endangered pangolin for TikTok likes

Supachai Nichagornpong, 37, posted the graphic clip in his social media account showing his two dogs mauling the helpless animal in Songkhla province, southern Thailand, last Wednesday (Feb 3).
2021-02-09 16:46:33

Burmese restaurant in Thailand lets customers eat for free in return for donations to fight military

The Mandalay restaurant in the capital Bangkok introduced the idea after leader Aung San Suu Kyi was toppled by the military last Monday (Feb 1).
2021-02-09 16:06:33

Electrocuted wild monkey springs into life after being saved with CPR

The wild primate was climbing on overhead powerlines when he interfered with a transformed and thousands of volts surged through his body.
2021-02-09 15:51:11

Myanmar couple hold wedding shoot at protest against military coup

Pictures show the bride in a white dress and the groom in a grey suit posing among crowds of demonstrators in the former capital city.
2021-02-09 15:00:25
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