How to sell your video to newspapers: a step-by-step Guide

You’ve recorded something crazy on your phone and you want to sell the video to the newspaper. Let’s go! This article is going to show you how to sell your video to the media and how to receive the most money for your video from TV, newspapers and websites. 

Selling funny videos to the media was once the preserve of TV shows like America’s Funniest Home Videos or You’ve Been Framed in the UK. (Did anyone ever actually receive 250 for their home video!?). But in today’s digital media landscape video content is more important than ever, including in newspapers. Videos give a unique view from people on the scene. Newspapers can incorporate stills from their clip in their print edition as well as publish it on their website and social media feeds. 

If the footage is unique, you could earn tens of thousands of pounds! Skip the article, upload your video, and start making money now! 

Carry on reading and in this article, we will help you understand the importance of video content, what type of videos do newspapers seek, how to sell your videos to the news, how to pitch your video to the media and key points to consider before you take the next step. Plus, how ViralPress can distribute your video so that you earn an unlimited amount in royalties that could stretch to tens of thousands of dollars.

Upload your video to ViralPress here:

Understanding the Basics

Why does video content matter to newspapers? Well, videos from members of the public like you and me are first-hand accounts of an incredible event. That's pretty rare. Images from the video can used in printed newspapers and on websites as pictures.

Using the actual video footage online and on TV, allows news companies to tell stories more engagingly and dynamically. They can run ads on their videos and keep the attention of their readers for longer.

Videos can also be shared across different platforms such as social media, websites and television. This allows newspapers to increase their reach and engagement to a wider audience. 

And of course new revenue opportunities. As digital media consumption shifts, high-quality video can attract advertisers, sponsored content and partnerships.

Here are some samples of how video stills have been used in newspapers:

What type of videos are newspapers looking for? 

Making money from videos is possible if you understand what the buyer is willing to pay for. Newspapers are looking for video content that interests their audience, and issues that the general public relates to and has an opinion on. 

This could be anything from celebrities doing silly things in public, a dramatic shot of a street protest or an extraordinary weather phenomenon. This may sound simple, but remember there are hundreds of videos being recorded and submitted to newspapers every day so YOUR content must stand out. 

Try to take a look from the newspaper's point of view. Is your video unique? Did your video capture something that thousands of other people did not? Is it newsworthy? Here are some of the most basic things to make sure of before you think about selling your video to the news: 

  • Make sure your video is the best quality and is free of watermarks, stickers, filters, texts and music
  • The video content must be free of any sensitive content that may upset viewers and not contain any explicit or graphic shots
  • Ideally, the video should be around 30 seconds long but if it’s shorter, don’t worry, sometimes it’s only possible to catch a fleeting moment of a newsworthy video

Essential steps before submitting a video to the media

Research and target newspapers with a strong digital presence and those with a focus on multimedia journalism. These newspapers will be more receptive to video proposals as they already have a dedicated section for video content. 

Licensing your video content to a news and video licensing agency is another strategic option available for filmers to earn cash from their video and to have their content reach a wider audience. Read more about making money from your video with ViralPress here.

So how much is your video actually worth?

The value of each video can depend on many factors that could include the length, the quality, and the uniqueness of the video. But in most cases, the video value depends on its popularity and virality. If you think your video has gone viral and is already getting lots of engagement and views online, this could be your golden ticket. But act quickly, time and newness are important. 

Some other factors that may have an impact on the value of your video are the chances of it becoming viral, its exclusivity and its earning potential. 

Creating an interesting pitch

Creating an interesting pitch for your video content involves giving all the facts about the incident. Be honest and ensure all the details are correct so that it can capture the attention of newspapers, media outlets, or licensing agencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a pitch that stands out. Include a sentence or two when you submit your video to ensure that editors buy the video.

Submitting the video

So now you’ve saved your video, the pitch and price ready, but you’re not very sure who to pitch your video content to. Here are some places to help you find the right contact. 

  • The Contact Us section: Newspaper websites often have dedicated sections for content submission or point of contact with the relevant department. 
  • Social Media: Utilise social media platforms to connect with journalists, editors, or content managers who may be interested in your video content.
  • Industry Events: Attend industry events, conferences, or webinars where media professionals gather, providing opportunities to make connections.

Key points to consider in contracts and licensing agreements

1. Rights and Ownership

  • Rights Granted: Clearly define the rights you are granting to the media outlet or agency, including the scope (e.g., digital, broadcast) and territory (e.g., local, national).
  • Ownership: Ensure you retain ownership of the original content unless explicitly agreed otherwise. Understand what rights are being transferred or licensed. Note that exclusive video content is often more valuable. 

2. Compensation and Royalties

  • Payment Terms: Detail the payment structure, including flat fees, royalties, or revenue shares. Clarify payment schedules and methods.
  • Additional Fees: Specify if there are any additional costs or fees associated with distribution, promotion, or usage.

3. Exclusivity and Duration

  • Exclusivity: Determine if the agreement includes exclusivity clauses that restrict you from licensing the content to others during a certain period.
  • Duration: Define the length of the licensing agreement and any renewal terms or conditions.

4. Usage and Distribution

  • Content Usage: Outline how the content can be used, including any restrictions on modifications, edits, or derivative works.
  • Distribution Channels: Specify where and how the content will be distributed (e.g., online platforms, TV, print).

By carefully considering these aspects, you can effectively manage the submission of your video content and navigate licensing agreements to achieve favourable outcomes and maximise the potential of your content.

Selling your video through an agency

The most profitable way to sell your video is through an agency. They will represent the video and ensure you receive the most money. They will take a cut for the work they do, but in most cases, this pales into significance for the extra cash they will generate for your clip.

Why is it better to sell your video through a news agency?

  • A reputable agency will ensure its clients pay the highest price
  • Agencies have long-standing commercial agreements with media companies, so it is quick and easy to collect payments from them 
  • Video agencies don’t just sell to one media outlet - they have existing sales channels which means that with adjust a few clicks, they can sell to multiple websites, newspapers, TV shows, production companies and even advertising agencies. Imagine doing all of that work yourself, having to research the correct contacts and each company, write email pitches multiple times, create invoices (with no guarantee they will be received) and handle the stress of the situation and multiple queries. It would be nearly impossible 
  • Video agencies will protect the copyright of your video and ensure that unauthorised use is paid for correctly 
  • A single point of contact and modern software and user accounts with dashboards and payment options, like those used by ViralPress, ensure the whole process is easy


Video content is now a vital part of newspaper storytelling, enriching print editions, online articles, and TV segments. This article highlighted the importance of video for newspapers, from engaging celebrity stories to dramatic and unusual content that resonates with readers.

We covered the essentials of submitting video content, including targeting the right newspapers, crafting a compelling pitch, and understanding licensing agreements. 

To make your video content stand out, start by researching suitable media outlets and creating an engaging pitch. Ensure you grasp the key points of any contracts. 

Ready to earn money from your video?

If you're looking to work with a reputable licensing agency that pays well, like ViralPress, drop us an email at or submit your content directly at

We work with the world's biggest news and media organisations globally to ensure you get paid what you deserve for your video.

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