Whales seen swimming off the coast of Hawaii
HI, USA #Wildlife
Endangered fin whale population discovered in New York
New York State, USA #Wildlife
Pod of orca whales trapped in ice drift in Japan
Hokkaido, Japan #Wildlife
Drone captures whales catching fish in their mouths off the coast of Thailand
Samut Songkhram, Thailand #Wildlife
Delighted fishermen cheer when pod of orcas leap next to their boat in the Philippines
Misamis Occidental, Philippines #Wildlife
Killer whales circle fisherman's boat off the coast of Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates #Wildlife
Divers swim alongside rare pod of killer whales in Indonesia
North Sulawesi, Indonesia #Wildlife
Friendly grey whales let sightseeing tourists pat their backs in Mexico
Baja California Sur, Mexico #Wildlife
Small boat dwarfed by pod of magnificent humpback whales in California
CA, USA #Wildlife
Kind fishermen free pair of whales caught in their net in the Philippines
Bataan, Philippines #Wildlife
Wildlife watchers spot 166 fin whales off Catalan coast
Catalan #Wildlife
Colombian navy boosts security for for humpback whales during watching season in
Valle del Cauca, Colombia #Wildlife
Friendly pod of melon-headed whales play with tourists
Aklan, Philippines #Wildlife
Fury as careless captains of tourist boats chase endangered fin whales
Blanca, Spain #Wildlife
Drone footage reveals the secret social lives of killer whales
Whales #
Two giant blue whales appear in front of tourist boat in California
Canada #
Two giant blue whales appear in front of tourist boat in Canada
Canada #
Humpback whales converge on bay in Alaska for summer feasting
Alaska #
Incredible moment sea captain fights off killer whales with a pole in Strait of Gibraltar
Strait of Gibraltar #