Elephant rescued from 20ft deep toilet pit by locals using excavator
Karnataka, India #Wildlife
Cow trapped in 12ft deep well rescued by firemen in India
Uttarakhand, India #General News
Locals abseil into 50ft deep well to save cow stranded in water
Madhya Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Illegal oil well explodes killing at least four in Indonesia
South Sumatra, Indonesia #General News
Rivers swell from heavy rain in northern India
Rajasthan, India #Climate & Weather
Stranded leopard rescued from well in India
Maharashtra, India #Everyday Heroes
Ailing cat musters strength to caress owner's face
Jiangsu, China #Heartwarming
Firemen lower village dwarf into well to rescue trapped boy, 3, in China
Hebei, China #Everyday Heroes
Gang disguise themselves in burqas to raid jewellery shop in India
Telangana, India #General News
Jewellery shop robber who disguised himself in burqa finally caught in India
Telangana, India #General News
Cow rescued from 100ft deep well filled with toxic gas in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Injured Jersey cow rescued from snake-infested well in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Heartwarming
Firemen rescue cow stuck in 40ft deep well
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Wildlife
Rescuer rappel down 700-year-old well to save cat
Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand #Pets
Elephant calf rescued from 30ft-deep well in India
Tamil Nadu, India #Wildlife
Cow rescued after falling into septic tank in northern India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Locals work together to rescue father and son who fell into sewer in China
Hubei Province, China #Heartwarming
Baby elephant rescued from 30ft deep well in India
Tamil Nadu, India #Wildlife
Stray cow rescued from well in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Five trapped buffalo rescued from well in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets