Police rescue couple trapped in car swallowed up by flash floods in China
Xinjiang, China #Climate & Weather
RNLI crew rescue stricken motorboat drifting towards rocks in Cornwall
Cornwall, UK #Everyday Heroes
Terrifying moment wild macaques push boy off wall to steal his food
Sichuan, China #Pets
Leopard climbs over wall to catch a goat to eat
Madhya Pradesh, India #Wildlife
School classroom wall collapses as pupils eat lunch injuring six in Inchool
Gujarat, India #General News
Six schoolchildren injured when classroom wall collapses
Gujarat, India #General News
Police chase escaped wallaby through street in Washington
WA, USA #Wildlife
Korean footballer confronts 'pickpockets who blocked his path and took his wallet’ in the Philippines
Metro Manila, Philippines #General News
Cabbie almost swallowed up by sinkhole in China
Shanxi, China #General News
Swallow family nesting on CCTV camera have a rotating home
Shandong, China #Pets
Ferry runs aground and gets stuck on rocks in Japan
Hokkaido, Japan #Climate & Weather
Cobra swallows glass medicine bottle and needs help from wildlife team
Odisha, India #Wildlife
Cobra saved after swallowing cough medicine bottle
Odisha, India #Wildlife
Garden wall collapses from pressure of floodwater in Phuket, Thailand
Phuket, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Tiny Chinese mouse peeks from wall hole
Fujian, China #Wildlife
Anarchists stop traffic with attack on roads in Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy #Conflict & Protests
Severe floods knock down wall in Phuket, Thailand
Phuket, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Wall fan explodes and falls onto restaurant table
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Huge sinkhole swallows football field in Illinois
IL, USA #General News
Man trying to store motorbike in cellar crashes into wall
Zhejiang, China #Cars & Vehicles