Stray dog rescued from 8ft deep sewer in Russia
Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Russia #Pets
Stray bull head butts pedestrian sending him flying through the air
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Animal lovers feed stray cats abandoned on streets in Indonesia
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Heartwarming
Frightened stray kitten trapped under sewer rescued
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Pack of stray dogs attack child playing outside home in India
Telangana, India #General News
Stray dog with head stuck in gaps of metal gate freed
Ayutthaya, Thailand #Pets
Locals rescue stray dog stranded on rapids in India
Tamil Nadu, India #Everyday Heroes
Stray cat stuck in car engine helped to safety by driver
Bangkok, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Residents save stray dog choking on bone stuck in its throat
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Woman fights off pack of stray dogs attacking her in India
Telangana, India #General News
Stray cow tramples woman as she tries to flee in India
Gujarat, India #Wildlife
Traffic police form convoy to escort stray dog running loose on Thai motorway
Bangkok, Thailand #Heartwarming
Stray kitten trapped in sewer for four days rescued in China
Anhui Province, China #Heartwarming
Stray dog stuck in goal net rescued by locals in Thailand
Trang, Thailand #Pets
Stray dog with head stuck in plastic bottle rescued in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Stray dog relaxes in coffee shop doorway to enjoy air con breeze
Phetchabun Province, Thailand #Pets
Cat wanders across stairs as Indian MP takes historic oath
Delhi, India #Pets
Locals chase away 27 elephants that strayed into village in India
Odisha, India #Wildlife
Good Samaritan rises at dawn to feed stray dogs in China
Beijing, China #Heartwarming
Clever stray cat mom goes up to 28th floor to seek help in China
Sichuan Province, China #Pets