Pets stranded in Thailand floods receive food from caring residents
Chiang Rai, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Thailand floods leave stranded residents clinging to roofs
Chiang Rai, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Indian Air force delivers food parcels to residents stranded in floods
Andhra Pradesh, India #Climate & Weather
Firemen rescue 19 stranded residents and pet dog from Connecticut floods
Connecticut, USA #Everyday Heroes
Soldiers build bridge to reach residents stranded by India landslides
Kerala, India #Climate & Weather
Neighbours rescue fellow residents stranded on roof during typhoon floods
Manila, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Firemen rescue 70 residents stranded in floods in India
Maharashtra, India #Climate & Weather
Residents form human chain to save elderly neighbour stranded in floods
Phuket, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Stranded residents airlifted to safety from floods in France
France #Climate & Weather
Residents rescue stranded pensioner from Afghanistan floods
Baghlan, Afghanistan #Climate & Weather
Military use jet skis to deliver food to residents stranded in Brazil floods
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil #Climate & Weather
Military deliver aid to residents stranded in Brazil floods
State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil #Climate & Weather
Brazil floods residents stranded on roofs rescued by the military
State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil #Climate & Weather
Residents save cow stranded down 50ft well in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Residents climb into deep well to save stranded cow
Madhya Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Six stranded residents and pet dogs freed from Guadalupe River in San Jose
CA, USA #Everyday Heroes
Queensland flood rescue teams save stranded residents
Queensland, Australia #Climate & Weather
Residents stranded on roofs during severe flooding in the Philippines
Northern Samar, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Disaster officials rescue residents stranded in Typhoon Doksuri floods
Occidental Mindoro, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Residents use cherry picker crane to winch stranded cow from ditch
Lamphun, Thailand #Everyday Heroes