JFK airport emergency services race to terminal as smoke emerges
NY, USA #General News
JFK airport evacuated as smoke fills terminal
NY, USA #General News
Jasper National Park wildfires spark evacuations in Alberta, Canada
Alberta, Canada #Climate & Weather
Lewotobi Laki-laki volcano spews 7,000ft high ash column
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia #Natural World
Taal Volcano belches gas causing volcanic smog
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Residents evacuated as thick wildfire smoke drifts towards homes near Figueroa Mountain
CA, USA #General News
Explosion in chemical reactor causes fire in India
Andhra Pradesh, India #General News
Taal Volcano emits cloud of gas
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Train's kitchen coach catches fire in India
Telangana, India #General News
Mysterious smoke circle in sky baffles people in Chinese city
Shaanxi, China #General News
Mount Merapi volcano erupts in Indonesia spewing 13,000ft ash column
West Sumatra, Indonesia #Natural World
Mount Ibu volcano spews ash amid renewed activity
North Maluku, Indonesia #Natural World
Lightning flashes in ash plume as Kanlaon Volcano spews lava in the Philippines
Negros Occidental, Philippines #Natural World
Tourists enjoy cycling on green retreat to escape Bangkok air pollution
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Millions of mosquitoes swarm around trees creating a smoke tornado effect
Shandong Province, China #Climate & Weather
Sakurajima volcano sends 10,000ft high gas plume into sky
Kagoshima, Japan #General News
Taal volcano spews steam amid continued acticity
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Gas and smoke billows over Taal Volcano in the Philippines
Batangas, Philippines #General News
Kagoshima Volcano erupts in Japan sending smoke 4,300ft high
Kagoshima, Japan #Natural World
Passengers injured during emergency escape from smoke-filled plane
Vargas, Venezuela #General News