Adorable cubs found packed in suitcase begin new life at sanctuary in Minnesota
MN, USA #Wildlife
Affectionate elephants cuddle with each other in Thai wildlife park
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand #Wildlife
Wild elephant herd triggers road closure after blocking highway in east Thailand
Chachoengsao, Thailand #Wildlife
Buddhist temple turns into python sanctuary as monks discourage hunting them for food in Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) #Everyday Heroes
Young elephant enjoys splashing on muddy pond at Thai wildlife sanctuary
Chaiyaphum, Thailand #Wildlife
Wild elephant dies after being electrocuted on illegal high-voltage fence in Thailand
Chanthaburi, Thailand #Wildlife
Abandoned female chimpanzee from Iran transfers to sanctuary in Kenya 'to learn how to be an ape'
Laikipia, Kenya #
Young blackbuck antelope persistently courts female at a wildlife sanctuary in India
Rajasthan, India #
Rescued baby elephant splashes around in mini-paddling pool at wildlife sanctuary
Uthai Thani, Thailand #