Researchers witness first case of shark-on-shark cannibalism
Arizona, USA #Wildlife
Researchers uncover hidden secrets of jumping ability of springtail bugs
North Carolina, USA #Wildlife
Social rank affects how carefully monkeys eat their food, researchers find
New Hampshire, USA #Wildlife
Engineers claim new 3D printing method can improve manufacturing
CA, USA #Technology
Animal rights rebel hits Harvard event in protest at monkey experiments
MA, USA #Conflict & Protests
Researchers find new clam species in South Africa
South Africa #Wildlife
Chimpanzees have rapid back-and-forth exchanges just like humans, find researchers
East Africa #General News
Chinese researchers revolutionise smart clothing by developing fibers that generate light and energy
Shanghai, China #Technology
Researchers make breakthrough in protecting squid eggs from parasite
Okinawa, Japan #Wildlife
Ants tend to injured comrades by treating their wounds, researchers find
Florida, USA #Wildlife
Shark embryo survival rate could be just 11 per cent with climate change, claim researchers
London, UK #Wildlife
Garden tits show incredible 'human memory' ability, researchers find
Cambridge, UK #Wildlife
Juvenile dolphins' future mating success is connected to their play routines, claim researchers
WA, Australia #Wildlife
Cuckoos could drive evolution of new species, claim researchers
Cambridge, UK #Wildlife
Fire ants form bonds that strengthen under force, researchers find
NY, USA #Wildlife
World's largest hummingbird has two distinct species, claims researchers
NY, USA #Wildlife
Male chicks take the lead over females during play, researchers claim
Sweden #Wildlife
Methane emissions from landfills converted to sustainable jet fuel, claim researchers
Sydney NSW, Australia #Technology
Hornets are primary pollinators of two flower species, researchers find
Tochigi, Japan #Wildlife
Researchers find 'genes vital for soybean improvement'
IN, USA #Technology