Horse stuck in river rescued in California
California, USA #Pets
Aerial footage shows devastation of India landslides
Kerala, India #Climate & Weather
Rescue teams negotiate raging rivers to rescue India landslides victims
Kerala, India #Climate & Weather
Flash floods leave 30 stranded as Indian Air Force launches rescue operation
Telangana, India #Climate & Weather
Boy, 2, rescued from borewell in India following 20-hour-long operation
Karnataka, India #General News
Four hero dogs given awards for helping in rescue operation at landslide site that killed 93
Davao del Sur, Philippines #Pets
Wildlife team save 53 tigers and leopards in 'largest ever rescue operation in Thailand'
Mukdahan, Thailand #Wildlife
Missing dog safely recovered from river by firefighters in Massachusetts
Massachusetts, USA #General News
Rescue teams carry out ongoing operation to save worker stuck in well
Meta, Colombia #General News
Sprightly American tourist, 78, sparks rescue operation after surfing during storm in Thailand
Chumphon, Thailand #General News
Leopard attacks officers and guards during rescue operation in India
Haryana, India #Wildlife
Miami Beach apartment block collapses sparking huge rescue operation
Miami #
Miami Beach building collapse sparks huge rescue operation
Miami #