Protests erupt in North Macedonia over medics 'who swapped cancer medicine for saline solution'
Skopje, North Macedonia #Conflict & Protests
Protests erupt against Japan releasing Fukushima water into ocean
Tokyo, Japan #Conflict & Protests
Sixteen protesters arrested at rally against Japanese release of Fukushima radioactive water
Seoul, South Korea #Conflict & Protests
South Africa taxi strikes descend into violence and looting
Cape Town, South Africa #Conflict & Protests
Activists stage topless protest against bullfighting in Majorca, Spain
Majorca, Spain #Conflict & Protests
Climate terrorists attack King Charles portrait in Edinburgh
Edinburgh, UK #Conflict & Protests
Protesters burn controversial Philippine president's effigy ahead of national speech
Metro Manila, Philippines #Conflict & Protests
Eco-zealots attack luxury private jet at Ibiza Airport in Spain
Ibiza, Spain #General News
Protester hurls pizza at New York City Hall amid anger over 'wood burning oven ban'
NY, USA #General News
Angry local lives in homemade pirate ship outside Portuguese parliament building
Lisbon, Portugal #Conflict & Protests
Imran Khan supporters protest in in Pakastin against arrest of former PM
Lahore, Pakistan #Conflict & Protests
Pakistan protests continue amid fury over Imran Khan arrest
Lahore, Pakistan #
Furious residents clash with security guards over water supply cut during Philippines heat
Metro Manila, Philippines #Conflict & Protests
Residents protest over air pollution in northern Thailand
Chiang Rai, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Public van drivers stage protest demanding raise in vehicle age limit in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Farmers clash with police at protests in Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Motorcycle taxi riders protest against ride hailing apps
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Buildings damaged during Women's Day rally in Mexico
Nuevo Leon, Mexico #Conflict & Protests
Revellers attack stage when band 'finishes set early' at festival in Thailand
Chachoengsao Province, Thailand #General News
Chaos as rioters attack police training centre in 'Cop City' Atlanta during protest
GA, USA #Conflict & Protests