Climate vandals attack Parliament Square in London
London, UK #Conflict & Protests
Cannabis fans hold colourful protest as Thai government u-turn to criminalises the plant
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Activists protest against media's femicide coverage in Italy
Rome, Italy #Conflict & Protests
Militant vegans target Banksy works for protest against McDonalds and RSPCA partnership
London, UK #Conflict & Protests
Kenya protests continue despite tax increase u-turn
Migori, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Anarchist protesters vandalise historic Spanish Square in Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy #Conflict & Protests
Protesters storm parliament amid tax rise anger in Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Kenya protests erupt with live rounds fired on crowds storming parliament
Nairobi, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Kenya protest erupts with crowds storming parliament
Nairobi, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Kenya protests police open fire on crowds outside parliament
Nairobi, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Protesters storm parliament in Nairobi, Keya
Nairobi, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Kenya protests see crowds storm parliament and police open fire
Nairobi, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Kenya protests see five dead and dozens injured
Nairobi, Kenya #Conflict & Protests
Climate fearmongers attack Travelers Championship golf match
CT, USA #Conflict & Protests
Palestine protesters block Oxford Circus demanding Israel arms embargo
London, UK #Conflict & Protests
Climate terrorists attack Stonehenge prehistoric monument
Wiltshire, UK #Conflict & Protests
Students protest over exam leak in northern India
Bihar, India #Conflict & Protests
Animal rights activists attack King Charles portrait at National Gallery in London
London, UK #Conflict & Protests
Women voters protest over 'broken promise' to pay them for cash after election
Delhi, India #Conflict & Protests
Lawyer scammed out of his life savings protests by pouring faeces over himself at bank
Ratchaburi, Thailand #General News