Police rescue couple trapped in car swallowed up by flash floods in China
Xinjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Police stop traffic to help duck family cross interstate in Connecticut
CT, USA #Pets
Police officer rescues man being dragged away by river in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Toddler who fell into dirty drain on roadside rescued
Davao de Oro, Philippines #Everyday Heroes
Spanish police check Paris Olympics hotel rooms in support for local cops
Paris, France #General News
Police rescue driver and two passengers trapped in car that crashed into valley
Telangana, India #General News
Bangladesh students continue protesting over jobs quota
Dhaka, Bangladesh #Conflict & Protests
Bangladesh students clash with police as jobs quota protest continues
Dhaka, Bangladesh #Conflict & Protests
Bangladesh students protest over jobs quota as police kill 11
Dhaka, Bangladesh #Conflict & Protests
Police on parachute training lands on river and unwittingly catches fish with harness
Phetchaburi, Thailand #General News
Police dog put through gruelling training session in China
China #Pets
Bangladesh jobs quota protests leave six dead and dozens injured
Dhaka, Bangladesh #Conflict & Protests
Policeman suspended for ramming petrol station attendant and driving away
Kerala, India #Cars & Vehicles
Police chase escaped wallaby through street in Washington
WA, USA #Wildlife
Police hunt tourists seen having threesome on beach in Thailand
Phuket, Thailand #General News
Police watch Euro 2024 final together in Indonesia
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Sport
Airline employee slaps policeman in argument over airport security
Jaipur, India #General News
Police horse doused with water to cool off in Toronto
ON, Canada #Pets
Frantic tourist takes store clerk as hostage when police arrive
Taipei, Taiwan #General News
Mounted police confront Palestine protesters in Montreal
QC, Canada #Conflict & Protests