Firemen start strategic burning to contain Meatworks Fire
Sydney NSW, Australia #Climate & Weather
Meatworks Fire shrouds homes in Australia
Sydney NSW, Australia #Climate & Weather
Large plumes of smoke seen rising over Kerch Bridge linking Crimea to Russia
Krasnodar, Russia #Conflict & Protests
Thick plumes of smoke rise Taal Volcano as tremors continue
Batangas, Philippines #General News
Smoke-belching tractor covers road in thick plumes of gas in Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia #Cars & Vehicles
Thick plumes of smoke rise above burning wetland in Arizona
AZ, USA #Climate & Weather
Massive plumes of smoke rises from construction site next to railway station in China
Shanghai, China #General News
Taal volcano continues to emit plumes of smoke with high levels of sulfur dioxide
Philippines #