Stray cow tramples woman as she tries to flee in India
Gujarat, India #Wildlife
Motorcycle rider and pillion crashes into home's gate
Pathum Thani, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Electric motorcycle crashes on loose brick flinging rider and pillion passenger off in China
Guangdong Province, China #Cars & Vehicles
Pet cat rides pillion on food delivery rider's scooter
Chonburi, Thailand #Pets
Scooter rider and pillion passenger topple over after being hit by sedan
Metro Manila, Philippines #Cars & Vehicles
Rider and pillion knocked from motorcycle when stray dog darts across road
Bukidnon, Philippines #Cars & Vehicles
Car narrowly misses motorcycle rider and pillion passenger who suddenly cross road
Batangas, Philippines #
Pillion rider carries huge mirror on moving motorcycle in Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia #
Rider and pillion passenger flung to the ground after scooter gets caught in cable in China
Sichuan, China #
Motorcycle rider and pillion crashes on ground after trying to evade stray dog
Tanay, Rizal #
Rider and pillion passenger survive collision with lorry
Hung Yen, Vietnam #
Rider and pillion passenger miraculously survive after crashing and skidding under truck in Malaysia
Longsor Teratasi Malaysia #
Rider and pillion passenger carry broken-down scooter between them
Bali, Indonesia #
Motorcycle rider and pillion passenger cover themselves with a blanket to keep warm while riding
Can Tho City, Vietnam #