Athletes continue race while being battered by typhoon
Albay, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Pet dogs surf through street flooded by typhoon
Manila, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Heartwarming moment pet monkey stays with sick monk owner
Battambang Province, Cambodia #Heartwarming
Local carries pet dogs in his arms through flooded road
Manila, Philippines #Heartwarming
Three pet dogs carried to safety through typhoon floods in the Philippines
Manila, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Hero pet owner carries two dogs on his shoulders through floods
Manila, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Topless animal rights activists protests in Paris ahead of Olympics
Paris, France #Conflict & Protests
Pet cat hides behind curtains in Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda #Pets
Pair of pet pugs ride skateboard together
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Pet dog is super excited by birthday party
Baguio, Philippines #Pets
Pet parrot refuses to leave woman's head
Nonthaburi, Thailand #Pets
Pet dogs baffled by sprinkler rocket
Mandaluyong, Philippines #Pets
Pet parrot floats on its back while having a bath
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Russian Navy sails along river in St Petersburg for annual ceremony
St Petersburg, Russia #General News
Buck Full Moon glows over St Petersburg, Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia #Natural World
Pet dogs travel standing on pickup truck roof
Kanchanaburi, Thailand #Pets
Taxi driver takes pet bird with him to work in China
Shandong, China #Pets
Hilarious moment pet dog steals phone and runs away
Phnom Penh, Cambodia #Funny Virals
Deliveryman attacked by two pet pitbulls outside doctor's home in India
Chhattisgarh, India #Pets
Policeman suspended for ramming petrol station attendant and driving away
Kerala, India #Cars & Vehicles