Rare brown panda curls up for nap in falling snow
Shaanxi, China #Wildlife
Standing panda bangs on door causing speculation it is 'a human in bear costume'
Liaoning, China #Wildlife
Family of three have rare encounter with wild panda on mountain road
Sichuan, China #Wildlife
Cheeky panda gestures hand heart for cheering crowd
Beijing, China #Pets
Adorable panda sits in swing and basks in the sunshine at Chinese zoo
Guangdong, China #Wildlife
Giant panda does morning workout upside-down in a tree
Beijing, China #Wildlife
Panda has adorable water fight with zookeeper in China
Beijing, China #Wildlife
Runaway inflatable panda baffles locals in China
Jiangxi, China #Funny Virals
Panda tucks into extra meal at zoo in Beijing
Beijing, China #Wildlife
Panda is a picture of happiness munching on piece of bamboo
Sichuan, China #Wildlife
Panda tucks into Chinese steamed cornbread
Sichuan, China #Wildlife
Adorable panda tumbles from rope ladder while playing
Chongqing, China #Wildlife
Panda does aerial yoga at zoo in China
Guangdong Province, China #Wildlife
Panda climbs basketball hoop and tries to pass through ring in China
Guangdong, China #Wildlife
Playful panda spins in bowl at zoo in China
Guangxi, China #Wildlife
Panda climbs onto basketball hoop at zoo in China
Guangdong, China #Wildlife
Panda amuses itself by repeatedly sliding down glassy slope
Shaanxi, China #Pets
Giant panda lazes in tree in South Korea
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea #Wildlife
Panda breaks water pipe then tries to fix it at zoo in China
Sichuan, China #Wildlife
Playful panda finishes food then jumps up and down
Shaanxi, China #Wildlife