Car drives through mountain shrouded in mist in China
Guizhou Province, China #Climate & Weather
Sea of clouds cover mountain in China
Zhejiang, China #Natural World
Breathtaking views of cloud-covered mountains in China
Zhejiang, China #Natural World
Climber hundreds of feet up shows loose screws on tourist site cliff face
Zhejiang, China #General News
Railway viaduct blown up because of moving mountains in Switzerland
Switzerland #General News
Boulders crash down mountainside in Kashmir, India
Jammu and Kashmir #General News
Deadly wildfire engulfs forests and mountains in China’s Ya Jiang
Sichuan Province, China #General News
Philippine Air Force battle wildfire on mountainside
Benguet, Philippines #General News
Beautiful frostwork blankets trees at Chinese Thousand Buddha Mountains
Sichuan, China #Climate & Weather
Russian plane crashes in mountains in northern Afghanistan
Badakhshan, Afghanistan #General News
This jaw-dropping cable car view is not for the faint-hearted
Hunan, China #Food & Travel
Plane gives spectacular aerial view of landscape in northwest China
Gansu, China #Natural World
Two boulders crash down mountainside narrowly missing car
Sichuan, China #Cars & Vehicles
This jungle coaster ride through the Thai mountains looks awesome
Chiang Mai, Thailand #Awesomeness
Breathtaking scenery with view of snow-capped mountains greets roadtrippers in China
Xinjiang, China #Natural World
American researcher rescued after being trapped nine days in Turkish cave with stomach bleeding
Southern Turkey #General News
Bizarre man-shaped figure appears above snow-capped mountains in China
Sichuan, China #Natural World
Extreme slackliner crosses mountains in vertigo-inducing stunt in Brazil
State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil #Sport
Avalanche crashes down mountains at Everest Base Camp
Nepal #Climate & Weather
Wingsuit flyer puts on breathtaking show at mountains that inspired Avatar
Hunan, China #Awesomeness