Melting glaciers and heavy rain flood desert in China
Xinjiang, China #General News
Crayons melt under hot sun in this oddly satisfying timelapse video
LA, USA #Awesomeness
Melting road surface leads Chinese man to believe he has discovered oil
Xinjiang, China #General News
Scientists launch Arctic mission to find secret of melting glaciers
Greenland #Climate & Weather
Scientists claim atmospheric blocking is linked to Arctic melting
Svalbard, Norway #Climate & Weather
Melting glaciers causes rapid spread of invasive species on South Georgia Island
South Georgia Island #Climate & Weather
Hard-packed snow almost buries man as it collapses from roof and brings down railings
Anhui, China #Climate & Weather
Man watching family shovel snow gets buried under massive avalanche from roof
Henan, China #General News
Family nearly buried under snow as weak roof suddenly collapses on top of them
Hubei, China #Climate & Weather
Falling snow narrowly misses mother sitting outside with her baby in her arms
Hubei, China #Climate & Weather
Child narrowly escapes being buried under mass of melting snow falling from roof
Hunan, China #Climate & Weather
Man's swift reaction saves him from being buried under melting snow
Hunan, China #Climate & Weather
Snow avalanche falls from roof narrowly missing pedestrian
Hunan, China #Climate & Weather
Snow avalanche falls from roof just inches from toddler
Henan, China #Climate & Weather
Baskin Robbins exits Thailand after melting demand for its fancy ice creams
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Snow begins melting as warmer weather arrives in St Petersburg, Russia
#Climate & Weather