Human finger found inside ice cream cone in India
Maharashtra, India #General News
Doctor horrified by huge FINGER poking out of his ice cream cone
Maharashtra, India #General News
Ice cream falls from cone into bowl of of toppings
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand #Food & Travel
Give me some! Baby looks devastated each time dad bites ice cream cone
Bangkok, Thailand #Cute Kids
Kind street vendor makes ice cream cones and feeds hungry stray dogs
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Residents queue for colourful ice cream cones during St Petersburg, Russia founding anniversary
St Petersburg, Russia #Food & Travel
Ice cream man has awesome trick hurling desserts 20ft in the air and catching in cones
Bangkok, Thailand #Awesomeness
Baby boy adorably tries to lick daddy's chocolate ice cream cone
Chanthaburi Province, Thailand #Cute Kids