Schoolgirl with extreme lice infestation finally has his head shaved
Khon Kaen, Thailand #General News
Police rescue cat with head stuck in cup in Palmhurst, Texas
TX, USA #Pets
Tourist puts his bald HEAD in fish spa... before police tell him off
Chiang Mai, Thailand #Funny Virals
Boy's head infested with lice shaven by rescuers
Satun, Thailand #General News
Macaque removes tourist's cap to search his head for lice
Chonburi, Thailand #Wildlife
Police rescue rat with ice cream container stuck on its head in India
Puducherry, India #Wildlife
'Distressed' raccoon with mayonnaise jar stuck on its head rescued by police in Ohio
OH, USA #General News
Motorcycle passenger without helmet wraps plastic bag on head to avoid police fine in China
Liaoning, China #Cars & Vehicles
Kind hairdresser treats woman with head infested with thousands of lice
Chaiyaphum, Thailand #Everyday Heroes