Passing motorists spot policeman's motorcycle on fire as officer sleeps on job
Bangkok, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Extreme fire pot performance amazes crowds in China
Shanxi, China #Awesomeness
Pot catches fire in restaurant but passing taxi rider puts out flames
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Hundreds of firefighters deployed to combat hotspots caused by agricultural burning in Thailand
Chiang Mai, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Fire rips through government fuel storage depot killing 16 in Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia #General News
Ukrainians fire three large tactical ballistic missiles at Russian forces and ammo depots
Ukraine #Climate & Weather
Ukrainian firefighters face terrifying fuel depot inferno in 'Russian Blitzkrieg'
Lviv, Ukraine #
Blast from Russian bombardment sparks fire at oil depot in Ukraine
Chernihiv, Ukraine #
Fire breaks out in Afghanistan fuel depot
Afghanistan #