Cat climbs roof as house collapses from flash flood
Manila, Philippines #Pets
Hero driver rescue kitten from highway in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Pet cat hides behind curtains in Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda #Pets
Cat caught steal pancakes hanging from motorcycle handlebars
Jiangsu, China #Pets
Cat plays in front of camera while climbing on owner
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Pets
Owner calls his pet cat with the sound of tin can
Seoul, South Korea #Pets
Pet cat gets stuck in awkward position behind window bars
Manila, Philippines #Pets
Crows divebomb scared cat in China
Anhui, China #Wildlife
Brave pet cat stares down invading cobra to save owner
Saraburi, Thailand #Pets
Cat phishing! Feline sits on ATM machine watching people enter in their pins
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Animal lovers feed stray cats abandoned on streets in Indonesia
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Heartwarming
Frightened stray kitten trapped under sewer rescued
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Cat's head pokes out from bathroom drain while stuck in awkward position
Khon Kaen, Thailand #Pets
Pet cat goes to work with food delivery rider
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Pet kitten hiding from thunder falls into drain and rescued
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand #Pets
Chinese cat gets head stuck in stool
Zhejiang, China #Pets
Chinese cat leads owner to its hot den
Sichuan, China #Pets
Three pet cats play hilarious game trying to catch toy bird
Negros Oriental, Philippines #Pets
Protective cats rush to help toddler who accidentally stepped on kitten
Zhejiang, China #Cute Kids
Couple uses plastic crate to rescue kitten from pond
Hubei, China #Heartwarming