Police chase escaped wallaby through street in Washington
WA, USA #Wildlife
British tourist 'who tries to escape after hit-and-run' attacked by angry locals in Bali
Bali, Indonesia #UK News
Escaped bulls attack two women in clothes shop in India
Uttarakhand, India #Wildlife
Pensioner, 92, climbs 7ft high gate to escape nursing home in China
Shandong, China #General News
Detective Consta-bull! Escaped bovine climbs onto police station roof in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Stringray tries to escape from aquarium in Australia
Mooloolaba, Australia #Wildlife
Monitor lizard trying to escape dog by hiding in convenience store caught
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand #Wildlife
Cow disrupts volleyball game and chases players
Batangas, Philippines #Pets
Police officers chase four escaped chickens in Ohio
OH, USA #Pets
Female passenger has lucky escape from falling under moving train India
Jharkhand, India #Cars & Vehicles
Police raid illegal beauty clinic before crying doctor climbs onto roof to try and escape
Khon Kaen, Thailand #General News
Two pigs seemingly have conversation 'plotting escape' in slaughter house
Zhejiang, China #Funny Virals
Man survives plunge failing from eighth floor to escape blaze
Zhejiang, China #Everyday Heroes
Dozens of escaped monkeys rampage in police station in Thailand
Lopburi, Thailand #Wildlife
Graceful Amur leopard rests under a bush to escape bright sun and prying eyes
Primorsky Krai, Russia #Wildlife
Escaped emus chase away shopper recording it in mall
Bangkok, Thailand #Wildlife
Escaped bull charges at family having dinner in yard
Yunnan, China #Wildlife
Escaped cows run along motorway in Malaysia
Selangor, Malaysia #Pets
Sacrificial cow escapes and attacks villagers during Eid celebrations
West Sumatra, Indonesia #Pets
Drunk Thai man 'returns from the dead' and runs two miles back home
Surin, Thailand #General News