Cycling fanatic shows off his wacky collection of homemade bikes
Cần Thơ, Vietnam #Cars & Vehicles
Joyriding kid steals parents' car and crashes into parked bikes
Telangana, India #Cars & Vehicles
Worker smoothly lines up shared electric bikes in China
Inner Mongolia, China #Awesomeness
Thieves on motorbikes steal good from back of moving lorry in India
Maharashtra, India #Cars & Vehicles
Truck swerves between two motorbikes when driver falls asleep
Cebu, Philippines #Cars & Vehicles
Locals ride ice bikes across frozen lake in Beijing, China
Beijing, China #Climate & Weather
Tourists cycle on bikes suspended thousands of feet in the air
Davao del Sur, Philippines #Awesomeness
Police on motorbikes chase runaway ostrich in China
Henan, China #Wildlife
Out-of-control pick-up truck swerves into parked motorbikes while avoiding stray dog
Chonburi, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Resident recycles old bikes to make garden wall around his house
Phayao, Thailand #Awesomeness
Motorcycle rider converts bikes to electricity to reduce fuel costs
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Rowdy French tourists arrested for riding motorbikes on Thai island
Phuket, Thailand #General News
Careless delivery rider knocks down row of motorbikes while parking
Manila, Philippines #Cars & Vehicles
Motorcycle riders push their bikes through flooded road in Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia #Climate & Weather
Careless delivery rider knocks down row of motorbikes while parking
Manila, the Philippines. #
Diners eat burgers while riding exercise bikes in McDonald's in China
Shanghai, China #
Thai pupils recycle old bikes to make wall around school field
Uthai Thani, Thailand #