Ducks ride tin roof through floods in Thailand
Phrae, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Fighting like cat and duck! Two animals form unlikely bond
Yunnan, China #Wildlife
Policeman calls out livestock just like in military
Iloilo, Philippines #Funny Virals
Flock of ducks cruise through floods in northern Thailand
Nan Province, Thailand #Pets
Adorable panda cub plays with rubber ducks in Chinese Zoo
Chongqing, China #Wildlife
Wild duck seeks help from park-goers after choking in China
Liaoning, China #Wildlife
Police stop traffic to help duck family cross interstate in Connecticut
CT, USA #Pets
Dozens of ducklings climb over Golden Retriever
Khammouane Province, Laos #Pets
Pet duck walks around shopping mall with food delivery rider
Makati, Philippines #Pets
Woman washes pet ducks in her flooded house
Nonthaburi Province, Thailand #Pets
Duck rolls its egg up a sloped driveway
Yunnan, China #Wildlife
Rescued ducklings enjoy their first swim in pool in Florida
FL, USA #Pets
Police department release duck family rescued near school
PA, USA #Wildlife
Ducklings trapped in drain rescued by firemen in Russia
Moscow, Russia #Wildlife
Student holds roasted duck received as gift at graduation ceremony
Guangdong, China #Funny Virals
Chinese diner assembles quirky creature with duck bones after finishing meal
Hunan Province, China #Funny Virals
Schoolgirl takes her pet duckling on bus ride
Jiangsu, China #Heartwarming
Duck family waddle across road... even using the zebra crossing
Liaoning Province, China #Heartwarming
Keeper rescues baby duck eaten alive by greedy pelican
Shaanxi, China #Wildlife
Migrating ducks return to Russia as spring thaw warms country
Saint Petersburg, Russia #Climate & Weather