Cattle washed away during heavy rain in India
Gujarat, India #General News
Jogger chases off mountain path by two rampaging cows
Cebu, Philippines #Wildlife
Reckless motorcycle rider swerves to avoid bull wandering across road
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Cow trapped in 12ft deep well rescued by firemen in India
Uttarakhand, India #General News
Locals abseil into 50ft deep well to save cow stranded in water
Madhya Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Cow stuck in drain rescued in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Cow forms adorable friendship with rooster... licking its neck
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand #Pets
Cow licks pet dog's neck to soothe his itchy fur
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand #Pets
Helpful cow scratches pet dog's back
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand #Pets
Adorable panda cub annoys her mum to play with her not with a log
Moscow, Russia #Pets
Firemen rescue dog stranded on balcony for two days in Moscow
Moscow, Russia #Pets
Stray bull head butts pedestrian sending him flying through the air
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Mother cow and calf wander through hospital in India
Jammu and Kashmir #Pets
Escaped bulls attack two women in clothes shop in India
Uttarakhand, India #Wildlife
Bungee jumping for cowards with a gentle lowering downwards is a hit in China
Zhejiang, China #Awesomeness
Detective Consta-bull! Escaped bovine climbs onto police station roof in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Pet cow spooked by marching band drums gores owner
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand #Wildlife
Rare reindeer mum and calf arrive at Russian zoo as gift to Vladimir Putin
Moscow, Russia #General News
Cow disrupts volleyball game and chases players
Batangas, Philippines #Pets
Woman playfully greets cows but gets nudged into lake
Beijing, China #Wildlife