Cat plays tenderly with rat... surprising onlookers who thought they would fight
India #Pets
Kind local rescues kittens made homeless during Typhoon Gaemi
Manila, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Caring resident helps cat stuck on roof during floods
Baguio, Philippines #Heartwarming
Cat climbs roof as house collapses from flash flood
Manila, Philippines #Pets
Camper topples off chair down hillside
Phetchabun Province, Thailand #Funny Virals
Boy emerges unscathed after running through glass panel mistaking it for open door
Jiangxi, China #Funny Virals
Chimpanzees have rapid back-and-forth exchanges just like humans, find researchers
East Africa #General News
Cattle washed away during heavy rain in India
Gujarat, India #General News
Hero driver rescue kitten from highway in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Jogger chases off mountain path by two rampaging cows
Cebu, Philippines #Wildlife
Owner tricks cat with paper napkin
Zhejiang, China #Funny Virals
Firemen catch snake under family's fridge
Chonburi, Thailand #Wildlife
Golden shaded cat enjoys owner's mung bean ice cream
Guangdong, China #Pets
Car engine catches fire at vehicle repair shop
Guangxi, China #Cars & Vehicles
Leopard climbs over wall to catch a goat to eat
Madhya Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Baggage handlers caught hurling cases down steps as airlines launches probe
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia #General News
Pet cat hides behind curtains in Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda #Pets
Ingenious kitten in China finds creative way to stay warm
Beijing, China #Pets
Rescuers catch snake near beachgoer's tent and secure it in plastic bottle
Priozersk, Kazakhstan #Wildlife
Container ship catches fire off the coast of India
Karnataka, India #General News