Tourist rides terrifyingly rickety zip line over 500ft canyon
Kalinga, Philippines #Food & Travel
Avalanche closes roads in Cottonwood Canyons, Utah
UT, USA #Climate & Weather
Avalanche triggers road closures in Cottonwood Canyons, Utah
UT, USA #Natural World
Nervous tourist slips off rock while jumping down waterfall
Cebu, Philippines #Funny Virals
Tourist's leap into blue lagoon goes wrong when she slips on rocks
Cebu, Philippines #General News
Hilarious reaction of woman afraid of heights as she does bungee jump
Bohol, Philippines #Funny Virals
Tourists flee from muddy torrents that gushed through a gorge in China
Xinjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Native American holy man reconnects with ancestors during Grand Canyon ritual
Arizona #