Adorable pet Dalmatian climbs into hammock
Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand #Pets
Chinese helps weary pet Akita dog go for a walk
Chongqing, China #Funny Virals
Rolls Royce driver stops to rescue stranded dog on overpass in China
Guangdong, China #Heartwarming
Playful pet Dalmatian interrupts schoolgirl as she tries to do homework
Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand #Cute Kids
Couple rescue pet dog tied in sack and left to die on roadside
Chaiyaphum, Thailand #Heartwarming
Stray dog with head stuck in gaps of metal gate freed
Ayutthaya, Thailand #Pets
Border Collie runs in circles every time a bus comes along
Henan, China #Pets
Pet French bulldogs cool off with hose pipe
Phitsanulok, Thailand #Pets
Poodle rides mini bicycle on a basketball court in China
Jiangsu, China #Pets
Loyal pet dog insists on following owner but gets swept away by flood
Guangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Hero passersby rescue dog stranded on raging weir in China
Hunan, China #Everyday Heroes
Loyal pet dog waits patiently for owner on motorcycle
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Pet dog chases water bowl being blown away by wind
Sichuan, China #Climate & Weather
Residents save stray dog choking on bone stuck in its throat
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Woman fights off pack of stray dogs attacking her in India
Telangana, India #General News
Grandmother digs through sewage pipe to save stuck puppy
Sakon Nakhon, Thailand #Heartwarming
Bomb squad dog given lavish retirement ceremony in India
Telangana, India #Pets
Dog in rainbow costume and sunglasses celebrates LGBT pride month
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Pet owner saves her French bulldog choking on piece of apple
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Frantic mother dog tears apart mats to free puppy stuck in cage railings
Loei, Thailand #Pets