Cows and camels hold up wedding car to eat its flowers
Jilin, China #Wildlife
Wedding convoy ambushed by hungry cows and camel eating flowers
Jilin, China #Wildlife
Candidate arrives on camel for general elections in India
Telangana, India #General News
Toddler feeds carrots to hungry camels
Bangkok, Thailand #Wildlife
Wild camels block snow-covered road in China
Xinjiang, China #Wildlife
Police rescue camels, zebra and miniature horse from trailer fire
Indiana, USA #General News
Camel lies on top of friend's head making him shriek
Hebei, China #Wildlife
Escaped camel runs along road in China
Xinjiang, China #
Alpaca looks seriously annoyed posing for zoo visitors in Thailand
Ratchaburi, Thailand #Wildlife
Two escaped camels trot down road in China
Inner Mongolia, China #Wildlife
Zoo in China slammed over its emaciated camels
Liaoning, China #General News
Overworked camels given a break as thousands of tourists visit attraction in China
Gansu, China #General News
Hungry camel bites huge chunk off visitor's ear at Thai zoo
Samut Songkhram, Thailand #Wildlife
Camel rescued after being caught in iron wire in China
Inner Mongolia, China #