Hero boy fights off enraged bull attacking his grandmother
Haryana, India #Wildlife
Fighting bulls almost knock over shopkeeper in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Shopkeeper's quick reactions see him leap away from bulls fighting in street
Uttar Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Fighting bulls crash into grocery shop in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Bulls wreak havoc in clothes shop in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Activists stage topless protest against bullfighting in Majorca, Spain
Majorca, Spain #Conflict & Protests
Cute bulldog fights fear of heights stepping down slightly elevated floor
Nan, Thailand #Pets
Thug who bullies old man suffers instant karma when Good Samaritans step in and fight back
Taichung, Taiwan #General News
Bullfighter rescued after being gored by enraged bull in China
Guizhou, China #General News
Feisty bulldog crashes through wooden gate to fight with enemies
Buriram, Thailand #