Market vendors frantically chase stalls being blown away by storm
Chongqing, China #Climate & Weather
Mother and daughter blown away by wind in China
Shandong, China #Climate & Weather
Security guard rescues mother and daughter blown away by storm in China
Shandong, China #Climate & Weather
Pet dog chases water bowl being blown away by wind
Sichuan, China #Climate & Weather
Boeing 737 blown away from gate during storm in Texas
TX, USA #General News
Hundreds of drones blown away in performance during thunderstorm
Guangxi, China #General News
Street food seller's umbrella blown away by gust of wind
Stallholder runs down street chasing umbrella blown away by storm
Chiang Mai, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Buddhist monks hold onto tent to keep it from being blown away by storm
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Food cart umbrellas and tents blown away by powerful winds during Thai festival
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand #Everyday Heroes
Tent blown away during storm in Thailand
Surin, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Galvanised iron sheet blown away during storm in Thailand
Khon Kaen, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Pedestrian falls over while being blown away by storm Chaba in China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Wooden planks hit car on highway after being blown away by wind
Chonburi, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Shop marquee tent blown away by strong gust of wind in Thailand
Chiang Mai, Thailand #