Biden wears a Trump 2024 hat sparking cheers from crowd of Republican supporters
Pennsylvania, USA #General News
Baseball-size hailstorm hits homes in Calgary
AB, Canada #Climate & Weather
Mouse shows up from grandstand at baseball game
Taipei, Taiwan #Wildlife
Man throws baseball hard breaking arcade machine
Seoul, South Korea #Funny Virals
Animal rights protester attacks Boston Red Sox baseball game
MA, USA #Conflict & Protests
Baseball player hits an epic basketball shot from the pitching mound
Florida, USA #Awesomeness
Baseball cap appears to levitate above bus passenger's head
Heilongjiang Province, China #Awesomeness
Elderly karate master uses sword to slice pitched baseball in half
Tokyo, Japan #Awesomeness
Shocked surgeons remove 'record-breaking' 708-gram bladder stone the size of a baseball from pensioner
Chiang Mai, Thailand #General News
Owl found hanging upside down in baseball net on school field rescued by police
Kansas #