Two Chinese dogs have a playful street dance off
Langfang, Hebei #Pets
Topless animal rights activists protests in Paris ahead of Olympics
Paris, France #Conflict & Protests
Investigators find 'horror rituals' at apartment in Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain #General News
Ailing British firm Burberry hit by animal rights protesters over cashmere wool
London, UK #Conflict & Protests
British husband and his wife save puppy from abusive owner in Thailand
Udon Thani, Thailand #Pets
Woman shows off party trick of catching elephant dung dropping from animal's bottom
Buriram, Thailand #Wildlife
Jude Bull-ingham! Farm animal shows off his football skills
Maha Sarakham, Thailand #Pets
Animal lovers feed stray cats abandoned on streets in Indonesia
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Heartwarming
Vietnamese animal smuggler arrested after caught red-handed packing birds
Bangkok, Thailand #Wildlife
Locals rescue cow stuck in pond in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Farmer 'chops off camel's leg' for trespassing on his land in Pakistan
Sindh, Pakistan #General News
Austria zoo animals play with football ahead of Euro 2024 tournament
Vienna, Austria #Wildlife
Animal rights activists attack King Charles portrait at National Gallery in London
London, UK #Conflict & Protests
Animal rights groups slam Bangkok market where exotic pets were burned alive in fire
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Baby African ostriches hatch at Vienna Zoo
Vienna, Austria #Wildlife
Animal rights protester attacks Boston Red Sox baseball game
MA, USA #Conflict & Protests
Animal rescuers free stray dog with head stuck in wall
Chachoengsao, Thailand #Pets
Injured puppy rescued by animal lovers in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Woman takes balloon animals for a walk in China
Guizhou Province, China #Funny Virals
Thai ladyboys imitate buffalo sounds during cattle blessing festival
Surin, Thailand #Food & Travel