Amusing neighbour cats stare at each other from across buildings
Mandaluyong, Philippines #Pets
Uncle has an amusing encounter with sour loquat fruit
Guangxi, China #Funny Virals
Amusing pupper road rage as dogs bark at each other from cars
Makati, Philippines #Pets
Badminton player accidentally strikes teammate in amusing fail
Guangdong Province, China #Funny Virals
Friends have amusing badminton fail when one is whacked in the face
zhejiang ningbo haishu #Funny Virals
Thai tour guides show off their amusing British accents
Phuket, Thailand #Awesomeness
Pupils have amusing balloon popping game
Phayao, Thailand #General News
Locals try to catch piglet while blindfolded in this amusing game
Davao del Norte, Philippines #Pets
Woman blows out birthday cake candle which amusing reignites
Cavite, Philippines #General News
Villagers square off in amusing water boxing match for Thai festival
Ang Thong, Thailand #Sport
Police have amusing battle with escaped turkey in Ohio
Father has amusing struggle down frozen path in Oregon
OR, USA #Climate & Weather
Teachers hold amusing relay race wearing group inflatable rings
Ayutthaya, Thailand #Funny Virals
Student has amusing fail while sliding down icy steps
Heilongjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Cat has amusing reaction when owner points finger at it
Beijing, China #Pets
Buddhist monk goes on amusing rodeo ride for ordination
Suphanburi, Thailand #Food & Travel
University students kill time with amusing group skipping trick
Jiangsu, China #Funny Virals
Mother shows amusing hack to stop daughter from sucking thumb
Krabi, Thailand #Cute Kids
Pet cat amusingly despondent at anti-scratch collar
Tianjin, China #Pets
Stray dog and woman amusingly bumps into each other twice in carpark
Bangkok, Thailand #Funny Virals