Rocks tumble down mountain during landslide in Uttarakhand, India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Car stuck on mountainside when landslide rocks hit road
Uttarakhand, India #General News
Spooked elephant charges through crowd injuring 13 at Hindu festival
Kataragama, Sri Lanka #Wildlife
Hardened sniffer dog honoured in India as she retires after 12 years of service
Telangana, India #Pets
Plane makes emergency landing after hail cracks windscreen
Odisha, India #General News
Snakes, spiders, lizards and other exotic pets displayed at shopping mall in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand #Wildlife
Boy shows off his huge pet TARANTULA at remote market where locals EAT the delicacy
Skuon, Cambodia #Food & Travel
Astonishing time-lapse videos of tarantulas during moulting process in Japan
Japan #Wildlife
Heavy rain blocks village roads in Uttarakhand, India
Uttarakhand, India #