Cyclone Remal triggers landslide next to highway in India
Meghalaya, India #Climate & Weather
Baby floated to safety in a basin during Cyclone Remal floods in India
Manipur, India #Climate & Weather
Cyclone Remal floods wash away road in Assam, India
Assam, India #Climate & Weather
Cyclone Remal landslide aftermath cleared from Aizawl, India
Mizoram, India #Climate & Weather
Mudslide kills at least 27 during Cyclone Remal in India
Mizoram, India #Climate & Weather
Cyclone Remal leaves trail of destruction in India
Tripura, India #Climate & Weather
Truck plunges down hillside following Cyclone Remal in India
Manipur, India #Climate & Weather
Truck crashes down mountain road following Cyclone Remal in India
Manipur, India #Cars & Vehicles
Uprooted trees cleared from road after India cyclone
West Bengal, India #Climate & Weather
Waves churn as Cyclone Remal hits India
West Bengal, India #Climate & Weather
Tropical Cyclone Remal damage cleared from roads in India
West Bengal, India #Climate & Weather
Tropical Cyclone Remal carnage cleared from roads in India
West Bengal, India #Climate & Weather