Pet groomer shows hilarious 'Poodle to Chihuahua' transformation
Guangdong, China #Pets
Dog comforts girl found crying on the roadside during a walk
Sichuan Province, China #Heartwarming
Pet poodle nearly chokes as leash gets trapped between moving lift doors
Jiangsu, China #General News
Pining pet dog runs over to daddy as he returns from abroad
South Cotabato, Philippines #Pets
Customer shocked as neighbour's poodle urinates on food delivery
Hebei, China #Pets
Adorable pet dog joins university students' fitness test in China
Hubei, China #Pets
Stray Poodle energetically runs towards girl with food
Henan, China #Pets
Owner reunites with three lost pet dogs after spending 21 hours searching
Henan, China #Pets
These two pet dogs could not bear to be parted
Shandong, China #Pets
Huge cuddly pet giant Poodle carried down escalator
Manila, Philippines #Pets
Adorable brown toy Poodle dog paddles while being carried above bathtub
Japan #Pets
Scared giant Poodle dog refuses to ride escalator and has to be carried
Manila, Philippines #Pets
Adventurous pet dog sits on motorcycle like human rider
Pangasinan, Philippines #Cars & Vehicles
Clingy pet dog refuses to leave grandma who fed him delicious lunch on Chinese New Year
Singapore #Pets
Bizarre optical illusion turns pet dog into flaming Poodle in China
Jiangsu, China #Pets
Cool grandmother carries twelve adorable pet poodle dogs on motorcycle
Hanoi, Vietnam #Pets
Terrified pet poodle barks at moving carton dog
Shaanxi, China #Pets
Pet poodle and owner team up to drive away rat rampaging through apartment in China
Fujian, China #Pets
Two sweet pet poodles ride on motorcycle with owner
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Adorable toy poodle lifts only one ear like a cartoon while listening to its owner
Japan #