Locals celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi festival in India
Maharashtra, India #General News
Sand artist carves sculpture marking Krishna Janmashtami festival
Odisha, India #Awesomeness
Leaf artist carves image of Krishna to mark annual festival
India #Awesomeness
Hindu devotees celebrate Janmashtami festival in India
Bihar, India #General News
Locals celebrate stone-throwing festival in northern India
Uttarakhand, India #Food & Travel
Religious followers carry live COBRAS aloft for Hindu festival in India
Bihar, India #Wildlife
Hindu devotees attend Rath Yatra Chariot festival in India
Odisha, India #Food & Travel
Hindu devotees join festival worshipping Mother Ganga in India
Bihar, India #General News
Locals witness sun ray on Hindu god's forehead at festival in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Food & Travel
Hindu worshippers celebrate Ram Navami festival in India
Bihar, India #Awesomeness
Crowds part to allow ambulance through at religious festival in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #General News
Devotees celebrate Holi festival with coloured powder in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Indian devotees run over hot coals at Kundam festival
Tamil Nadu, India #General News
Worshippers smear colourful powder on their faces for Holi festival in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Worshippers walk on red-hot coals to celebrate Holi festival in India
Gujarat, India #General News
Devotees worship cow dung bonfire at festival in India
India #General News
Crowds flee as elephants go out-of-control at festival in India
Kerala, India #General News
Fighting elephants injure devotees at Hindu festival in India
Kerala, India #Wildlife
Elephants charge through crowd injuring dozens at religious festival in India
Kerala, India #General News
Hindu followers paint their faces bright colours for festival in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Food & Travel