Diwali fireworks being stored in house cause explosion killing five in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Massive explosion kills four in remote village in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Madrid apartment explosion leaves two women injured
Madrid, Spain #General News
Yellowstone National Park suffers messy hydrothermal explosion
WY, USA #Natural World
Reactor explosion at pharmaceutical firm leaves at least 17 dead and 40 injured
Andhra Pradesh, India #General News
Fiery crash in Chinese tunnel is captured on camera
Guizhou, China #General News
Phone explosion causes large fire in Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia #General News
Explosion rips through container ship in China
Zhejiang, China #General News
Track with burst tyre crashes into front of shop while family orders
Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Transformer explosion sparks fire at night in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Resident rescued from wreckage of home destroyed by gas explosion in Russia
Crimea #General News
Fireball erupts when factory explodes in Taiwan
Tainan, Taiwan #General News
Illegal oil well explodes killing at least four in Indonesia
South Sumatra, Indonesia #General News
Kettle explodes while being tested on roadside in China
Shandong, China #Funny Virals
Massive explosion as factory goes up in flames in middle ofcity
Guangdong Province, China #General News
Manhole explodes after raw sewage gas ignited by firecracker
Yunnan, China #General News
Driver pulled to safety from burning car seconds before it erupts into giant fireball
Heilongjiang, China #General News
Mount Etna eruption sparks lava flows in Italy
Sicily, Italy #Natural World
Cement factory explosion kills one and injures 16 in India
Andhra Pradesh, India #General News
Explosion in chemical reactor causes fire in India
Andhra Pradesh, India #General News