Golden shaded cat enjoys owner's mung bean ice cream
Guangdong, China #Pets
Mischievous cat pushes owner off treadmill
Anhui, China #Pets
Chocolate British Shorthair cat tries to eat cherry
Sichuan, China #Pets
Pet cat and bird have 'telegraphic' conversation in China
Guangdong, China #Pets
Clumsy cat climbs awkwardly down bunk bed ladder
Hubei, China #Pets
Chubby cat struggles to climb into hammock in China
Shanxi Province, China #Pets
Cat frantically scratches glass office door
Guangdong province, China #Pets
Golden British shorthair cat tries to catch gecko stick outside glass window
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Pet cat attacks sleeping baby's head in bed with mum
Nonthaburi, Thailand #Pets
Grey cat sulks away as owner gives all her attention to pet hamster
Anhui, China #Pets
Energetic pet cat leaps over baby as he crawls across living room floor
Nonthaburi, Thailand #Pets
Crazed pet cat attacks baby's head as he sleeps on bed
Nonthaburi, Thailand #Pets
Kitten stuck in space under bedroom cabinet rescued
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Frightened cats stand in corner as huge rat crawls on box in front of them
Yogyakarta, Indonesia #Pets