Rescue teams search India train crash wreckage for trapped passengers
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
India train crash leaves four dead and dozens injured
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Passengers help survivors of India train crash derailment
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Four dead and dozens injured when train carriages derail in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
India train crash derailing leaves four dead and dozens injured
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Four passengers killed when train coaches derail in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Lads leap sway from out-of-control pickup truck crashing towards them
Rayong, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Driver leaps from stuck car with seconds to spare before train hits
West Bengal, India #Cars & Vehicles
Passersby perform CPR on boy pulled from car that crashed into marshes
Guangdong, China #Heartwarming
Villagers rescue family stuck in car that crashed into marshes
Guangdong, China #Everyday Heroes
Plane used by tourists nosedives into sea off Mexican island
Quintana Roo, Mexico #General News
Youngster collides with cyclist on path in China
Shandong, China #Cars & Vehicles
Speeding pickup truck crashes narrowly missing friends sitting outside shop
Rayong, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Cessna 152 plane makes rough landing and crashes into house
Bulacan, Philippines #General News
Nepal rescue teams search for bus crash passengers dragged in river
Nepal #General News
Landslide crashes down mountain in northern India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Heavy logs roll off lorry and knocks over woman in Malaysia
Kelantan, Malaysia #Cars & Vehicles
Three injured when cars collide on expressway in northern India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Locals flee as landslide crashes onto road in India
Cargo tumbles from overloaded pickup truck at market
Pathum Thani, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles