Rare whirlwind forms above volcano eruption in Hawaii
HI, USA #Climate & Weather
Steam plume rises over Philippines Taal Volcano amid unrest
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Boats set sail as Taal Volcano smog clouds lake in the Philippines
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Taal Volcano belches smoke plume as authorities warn of hazardous volcanic smog
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Large steam clouds hover over Taal Volcano in the Philippines
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Volcanic smog covers Taal Volcano island amid eruption in the Philippines
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Tourists hike five hours to watch spectacular volcano eruption in Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala #General News
Philippines Taal Volcano spews 3,000-metre white smoke plume sending volcanic smog into nearby villages
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Fuego volcano sends hot rocks into air in big eruption while tourists enjoy natural display in Guatemala
Antigua, Guatemala #General News
Volcan de Fuego eruption caught on camera in Guatemala
Guatemala #Natural World
Ash cloud erupts from Mount Semeru volcano in Indonesia
East Java, Indonesia #Natural World
Volcano's otherworldly red-hot lava eruption in Hawaii
HI, USA #Natural World
Mount Kerinci volcano expels 900-metre ash column in Indonesia
West Sumatra, Indonesia #Natural World
Volcano spews otherworldly red-hot lava during eruption in Hawaii
HI, USA #Natural World
Smoke plume hangs over Mount Marapi volcano in Indonesia after eruption
West Sumatra, Indonesia #General News
Mount Marapi volcano spews white smoke while erupting in Indonesia
West Sumatra, Indonesia #Climate & Weather
Time-lapse footage shows Mount Marapi spewing white smoke in Indonesia
West Sumatra, Indonesia #Natural World
Smoke column from Sangay volcano eruption seen from Amazonia region in Ecuador
Ecuador #Climate & Weather
Sangay volcano spews two miles high ash plume in Ecuador
Sangay, Ecuador #Climate & Weather
Plumes of gas expelled from Taal Volcano blanketing homes in smog in the Philippines
Batangas, Philippines #Climate & Weather