Indonesia gold mine landslide kills 12 as teams search for 18 missing
Gorontalo, Indonesia #General News
Landslide crushes gold mine killing 12 in Indonesia
Gorontalo, Indonesia #General News
Gold mine landslide kills 12 in Indonesia
Gorontalo, Indonesia #General News
Landslide kills 12 and leaves 18 missing at gold mine in Indonesia
Gorontalo, Indonesia #Climate & Weather
Two cars crushed by landslides in Indonesia
Central Sulawesi, Indonesia #Cars & Vehicles
Landslide crashes into road amid heavy rain in India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Woodland cascades into road during storm in China
Hubei, China #Cars & Vehicles
Landslide buries road as onlookers flee in India
Mizoram, India #Natural World
Tourist narrowly avoids large rocks as he slides down waterfall
Guangdong, China #General News
Onlookers run to safety as massive landslide covers road
Jiangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Avalanche crashes down mountain northern India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Natural World
Firemen rescue 80 from floods in Italy
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy #General News
Woman slips on rocks while crossing stream
South Korea #Funny Virals
School bus full of pupils buried by landslide in India
Itanagar #Climate & Weather
Nepal residents repair roads damaged by landslides as storms kill at least 20
Pokhara, Nepal #Climate & Weather
Nepal storms kill 20 amid landslides and surging rivers
Pokhara, Nepal #Climate & Weather
Landslide crashes down Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia
Sabah, Malaysia #Climate & Weather
Mum has epic fail on slide at indoor soft play area
Bulacan, Philippines #General News
Motorcycle rider crashes and slides UNDER car but somehow survives
Chiang Rai, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Petrol tanker slides on wet road
Phuket, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles