Elephant calf fights for life in flooded river in India
Assam, India #Wildlife
India floods wash away cars during heavy rain storms
Rajasthan, India #Climate & Weather
Flash floods wash away cars in northern India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Herd of cattle washed away by floods in India
Telangana, India #General News
Bus flooded as heavy rain batters Delhi, India
Delhi, India #Climate & Weather
Flooded railway station leaves hundreds stranded in India
Delhi, India #Climate & Weather
Heavy rain batters Delhi, India, bringing flash floods to city
Delhi, India #Climate & Weather
Councillor rows boat through flooded road amid rain in Delhi, India
Delhi, India #Climate & Weather
Baby floated to safety in a basin during Cyclone Remal floods in India
Manipur, India #Climate & Weather
Residents go fishing in waist-deep floods in India
Manipur, India #Climate & Weather
Cyclone Remal floods wash away road in Assam, India
Assam, India #Climate & Weather
Floods and muslides rage through Manipur, India
Manipur, India #Climate & Weather
Heavy rain causes flash floods in Kerala, India
Kerala, India #Climate & Weather
Roads flooded as heavy rain hits Kerala, India
Kerala, India #Climate & Weather
Heavy rain sparks flash flood on road in northern India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Streets flooded after heavy rain lashes parts of eastern India
Tamil Nadu, India #Climate & Weather
Apartments flooded after torrential rains hammer Indian tech hub Bengaluru
Karnataka, India #Climate & Weather
Family rides tractor through raging floods in 'India’s Silicon Valley’ Bengaluru
Karnataka, India #Climate & Weather
SUV stuck in flooded road after rain-triggered landslide in northern India
India #
Roads flooded in southern India after heavy rain
India #